How Do You Know if an Orbital Is Sp3 Sp2 Etc

Hybridization in Chemistry is defined as the concept of mixing two diminutive orbitals to give rise to a new blazon of hybridized orbitals. This intermixing normally results in the germination of hybrid orbitals having entirely unlike energies, shapes, etc. The diminutive orbitals of the same energy level mainly have part in hybridization. Withal, both fully filled and half-filled orbitals can as well accept part in this process, provided they have equal energy.

On the other hand, nosotros can say that the concept of hybridization is an extension of the valence bond theory and it helps u.s. to empathize the germination of bonds, bail energies and bail lengths.

Table of Content

  • Key Features
  • Types
  • sp Hybridization
  • sptwo Hybridization
  • sp3 Hybridization
  • spthreed Hybridization
  • spthreed2 Hybridization
  • FAQs

What is Hybridization?

Redistribution of the energy of orbitals of individual atoms to give orbitals of equivalent energy happens when two diminutive orbitals combine to grade a hybrid orbital in a molecule. This process is chosen hybridization.  During the process of hybridization, the atomic orbitals of comparable energies are mixed together and mostly involves the merging of two 's' orbitals or 2 'p' orbitals or mixing of an 's' orbital with a 'p' orbital likewise as 's' orbital with a 'd' orbital. The new orbitals thus formed are known ashybrid orbitals.More significantly, hybrid orbitals are quite useful in explaining atomic bonding properties and molecular geometry.

Let us quickly look at the example of a carbon atom. This atom forms 4 unmarried bonds wherein the valence-shell s orbital mixes with 3 valence-shell p orbitals. This combination leads to the formation of 4 equivalent sp3 mixtures. These volition have a tetrahedral organization effectually the carbon which is bonded to 4 different atoms.

Hybridization Video Lesson


⇒ Likewise Read

  • Chemical Bonding
  • Molecular Orbital Theory

Fundamental Features of Hybridization

  • Atomic orbitals with equal energies undergo hybridization.
  • The number of hybrid orbitals formed is equal to the number of diminutive orbitals mixing.
  • It is not necessary that all the half-filled orbitals must participate in hybridization. Even completely filled orbitals with slightly dissimilar energies tin can also participate.
  • Hybridization happens only during the bond germination and non in an isolated gaseous atom.
  • The shape of the molecule tin be predicted if the hybridization of the molecule is known.
  • The bigger lobe of the hybrid orbital e'er has a positive sign, while the smaller lobe on the opposite side has a negative sign.

Endeavour This:Give the hybridization states of each of the carbon atoms in the given molecule.

  • HiiC = CH – CN
  • HC ≡ C − C ≡ CH
  • HiiC = C = C = CHtwo

Types of Hybridization

Based on the types of orbitals involved in mixing, the hybridization tin be classified as spiii, sp2, sp, spthreed, spiiid2, sp3d3. Let the states now talk over the various types of hybridization, along with their examples.

sp Hybridization

sp hybridization is observed when one south and one p orbital in the same master crush of an cantlet mix to grade two new equivalent orbitals. The new orbitals formed are called sp hybridized orbitals.It forms linear molecules with an angle of 180°

  • This type of hybridization involves the mixing of one 'south' orbital and one 'p' orbital of equal energy to give a new hybrid orbital known equally an sp hybridized orbital.
  • sp hybridization is likewise called diagonal hybridization.
  • Each sp hybridized orbital has an equal amount of s and p character – l% south and fifty% p character.

sp Hybridization

Examples of sp Hybridization:

  • All compounds of beryllium like BeFtwo, BeHtwo,BeCl2
  • All compounds of carbon-containing triple bond like CtwoH2.

spii Hybridization

sptwo hybridizationis observed when one s and 2 p orbitals of the aforementioned beat out of an atom mix to form 3 equivalent orbitals. The new orbitals formed are called spii hybrid orbitals.

  • sptwo hybridization is likewise chosen trigonal hybridization.
  • It involves mixing of one 's' orbital and 2 'p' orbital's of equal energy to give a new hybrid orbital known every bit sp2.
  • A mixture of due south and p orbital formed in trigonal symmetry and is maintained at 1200.
  • All the three hybrid orbitals remain in one airplane and make an bending of 120° with one some other. Each of the hybrid orbitals formed has a 33.33% 'southward' character and 66.66% 'p' character.
  • The molecules in which the fundamental atom is linked to 3 atoms and is sp2 hybridized accept a triangular planar shape.

sp2 Hybridization

Examples of sp2 Hybridization

  • All the compounds of Boron i.east. BFiii, BH3
  • All the compounds of carbon-containing a carbon-carbon double bail, Ethylene (C2H4)

spthree Hybridization

When one 'southward' orbital and iii 'p' orbitals belonging to the same shell of an atom mix together to form four new equivalent orbital, the type of hybridization is called atetrahedral hybridization or spthree . The new orbitals formed are called sp3 hybrid orbitals.

  • These are directed towards the four corners of a regular tetrahedron and make an angle of 109°28' with one another.
  •  The angle between the sp3 hybrid orbitals is 109.280
  • Each spthree hybrid orbital has 25% s character and 75% p grapheme.
  • Instance of spiii hybridization: ethane (CiiHhalf-dozen), methane.

sp3 Hybridization

sp3d Hybridization

sp3d hybridization involves the mixing of 1s orbital,3p orbitals and 1d orbital to grade 5 spthreed hybridized orbitals of equal free energy. They have trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

  • The mixture of southward, p and d orbital forms trigonal bipyramidal symmetry.
  • Three hybrid orbitals prevarication in the horizontal plane inclined at an angle of 120° to each other known equally the equatorial orbitals.
  • The remaining two orbitals lie in the vertical plane at 90 degrees plane of the equatorial orbitals known as axial orbitals.
  • Instance: Hybridization in Phosphorus pentachloride (PClfive)

sp3d Hybridization


  • sp3dii hybridization has 1s, 3p and 2d orbitals, that undergo intermixing to grade 6 identical sp3d2hybrid orbitals.
  • These 6 orbitals are directed towards the corners of an octahedron.
  • They are inclined at an angle of ninety degrees to one another.


Frequently Asked Questions on Hybridization

What are the different types of hybridization?

Based on the nature of the mixing orbitals, the hybridization can be classified as,

  • sp hybridization (glucinium chloride, acetylene)
  • sp2 hybridization (boron trichloride, ethylene)
  • spiii hybridization (methane, ethane)
  • spthreed hybridization (phosphorus pentachloride)
  • sp3d2 hybridization (sulphur hexafluoride)
  • sp3d3 hybridization (iodine heptafluoride)

⇒ Know more than about VSEPR theory its postulates and limitations

Among sp, sp2 and sp3, which hybrid orbital is more than electronegative?

The percent of s character in sp, sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon is 50%, 33.33%, and 25%, respectively.

⇒ Besides Read:

  • Hydrogen Bonding
  • Covalent Bond

Due to the spherical shape of the south orbital, it is attracted evenly past the nucleus from all directions. Therefore, a hybrid orbital with more s-graphic symbol will exist closer to the nucleus and thus more electronegative. Hence, the sp hybridized carbon is more electronegative than spii and spthree.

Why is the hybrid orbital during hybridization better than their parent atoms?

The reason why a hybrid orbital is amend than their parents:

  • Parent s: because it is directional unlike the south orbital.
  • Parent p: considering it has lower energy than p orbital.

What are hybrid orbitals?

The hybrid orbitals can exist defined equally the combination of standard diminutive orbitals resulting in the formation of new diminutive orbitals.

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During hybridization, the hybrid orbitals possess different geometry of orbital organisation and energies than the standard diminutive orbitals. Also, the orbital overlap minimizes the energy of the molecule. The degenerate hybrid orbitals formed from the standard atomic orbitals:

  • 1s and 1 p: sp orbitals
  • 1s and 2p: sp2 orbitals
  • 1s and 3p: sp3 orbitals
  • 1s, 3p, and 1d: sp3d orbitals
  • 1s, 3p, and 2d: sp3d2 orbitals

What is the departure between sp, sp2 and spthree hybridization?

sp hybridization occurs due to the mixing of ane s and i p diminutive orbital, sp2 hybridization is the mixing of one s and two p atomic orbitals and sp3 hybridization is the mixing of one s and three p atomic orbitals.

What is the percentage of s and p character in sp, sp2 and sp3 hybrid orbital?

The percent of s and p character in sp, spii and spthree hybrid orbital is,

Sp: s characteristic 50% and p feature 50%,

Sp2: due south characteristic 33.33% and p characteristic 66.66%,

Spiii: s characteristic 25% and p feature 75%.

Explain the 5 basic shapes of Hybridization?

The five bones shapes of hybridization are linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramidal, and octahedral.

The geometry of the orbital arrangement:

  • Linear: Two electron groups are involved resulting in sp hybridization, the angle between the orbitals is 180°.
  • Trigonal planar: 3 electron groups are involved resulting in sptwo hybridization, the angle betwixt the orbitals is 120°.
  • Tetrahedral: Iv electron groups involved resulting in spthree hybridization, the angle betwixt the orbitals is 109.5°.
  • Trigonal bipyramidal: 5 electron groups involved resulting in sp3d hybridization, the angle between the orbitals is 90°, 120°.
  • Octahedral: Half-dozen electron groups involved resulting in spthreedii hybridization, the angle between the orbitals is xc°.

Explain sp3 Hybridization in Methane?

The 2s and all the three (3p) orbitals of carbon hybridize to form four sp3 orbitals. These hybrid orbitals bond with four atoms of hydrogen through sp3-southward orbital overlap resulting in CH4 (methane). The geometry of orbital system due to the minimum electron repulsion is tetrahedral.

Amide molecule looks sp3 hybridized but it is spii, why?

The general procedure of hybridization will change if the atom is either enclosed by ii or more p orbitals or it has a lone pair to jump into a p orbital. Therefore, in the case of an amide molecule, the lone pair goes into a p orbital to accept 3 adjacent parallel p orbitals (conjugation).

What results in sp, sp2 and spiii hybridization?

Sp and spii hybridization results in 2 and i unhybridized p orbitals respectively whereas in sp3 hybridization there are no unhybridized p orbitals.

Explain the difference between molecular and hybrid orbitals.

The interactions between the atomic orbitals of two unlike atoms result in molecular orbitals, whereas when the diminutive orbitals of the aforementioned atom interact they form hybrid orbitals.


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